Weight Loss Program

Frustrated because it seems like no matter what you do you can’t seem to lose weight? Have you tried diet after diet and are still gaining weight? Does it seem like no matter what you do not see your body transform?

Don’t get frustrated, get help! Did you know you may have a hormone imbalance causing weight gain? Without addressing hormone imbalances, losing, and keeping the weight off is nearly impossible. Low thyroid hormone levels can be associated with a slow metabolism. Imbalanced estrogen and progesterone hormones can trigger weight gain. Cortisol hormones can lead to weight loss resistant belly fat.

Revitalize BodyMD’s Medical Weight Loss Program is the answer you’ve been looking for. Our program is a 100% personalized plan featuring hormone replacement therapy services to help you see the results you deserve.

Did you know that Weight Gain Symptoms can include:

Why Medical Weight Loss?

Trying diet after diet, or weight loss program after weight loss program with little to no results can be discouraging. Without a personalized approach to losing weight, it’s nearly impossible to lose the weight and keep it off. With Revitalize BodyMD’s medical weight loss program, you’ll gain access to a medically supervised weight loss program which addressed the underlying hormone imbalance issues which are causing the weight gain in the first place.

Next Steps

Ready to change your life? Schedule a free medical weight loss consultation with Dr. Rodrigo to review your symptoms and health goals to get started.